兩年前,Cambridge English Online和Dream English合作,製作了一首十二生肖英文歌。除了十二種動物的名稱,你也可以學一學動物的擬聲詞(onomatopoeia)。就算聽到相同的動物叫聲,不同語言的人會透過自己的語言去理解、表達,因此世界各地動物的擬聲詞可以很不同的啊!
Song by Matt R.
Video by Cambridge English Online, Ltd
What's your Chinese Zodiac animal sign?
Here come the animals!
Here comes the rat
The rat says eek eek
Here comes the ox
The ox says moo
Here comes the tiger
The tiger says roar
And here comes the rabbit
And the rabbit goes hop hop
What's your Chinese Zodiac animal sign?
Here come more animals!
Here comes the dragon
The dragon says roar
Here comes the snake
The snake says sss
Here comes the horse
The horse says neigh
And here comes the sheep
And the sheep says meh
What's your Chinese Zodiac animal sign?
Here come more animals!
Here comes the monkey
The monkey says hoo-ha
Here comes the rooster
The rooster says cock-a-doodle-doo
Here comes the dog
The dog says woof woof
Here comes the pig
The pig says oink oink
What's your Chinese Zodiac animal sign?
Let's say them in order.
Can you remember them all?
Rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon snake
Horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig
What's your Chinese Zodiac animal sign?
(鼠)吱吱 vs.(rat)eek
(牛)哞哞 vs.(ox)moo
(虎)嘯嘯 vs.(tiger)roar
(兔)吱吱 vs.(rabbit)squeak [注意:歌曲中沒有兔子的叫聲]
(龍)哮吼 vs.(dragon)roar
(蛇)嘶嘶 vs.(snake)sss
(馬)蕭蕭 vs.(horse)neigh
(羊)咩咩 vs.(sheep)meh
(猴)吱吱 vs.(monkey)hoo-ha
(雞)喔喔 vs.(rooster)cock-a-doodle-doo
(狗)汪汪 vs.(dog)woof
(豬)嚄嚄 vs.(pig)oink oink